12 Effective Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise When You’re Depressed

fitness motivation
John Harris
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Exercise is a key component to alleviating depression, with almost all exercises being geared towards this purpose. If you feel depressed and have no motivation to exercise, don’t worry as help is out there. We’ll go over some effective ways to motivate yourself, even when you are feeling down so that you can live an active lifestyle with these fitness motivation tips.

If you’re feeling down and out, sometimes it can be hard to put your mind to exercising. But exercise has been proven to boost moods as well as combat sickness, disease, and reduce stress. Check out these tips for keeping your motivation up when you are feeling depressed.

Workout first thing in the morning

A healthy morning starts with a workout. Work out first thing in the morning, wake up your body, and prepare yourself for the day ahead. You’ll be less likely to snack on sugary breakfast foods, which are known to cause spikes in blood sugar levels. For a great start to your day, try our 30-minute full-body strength training routine.

Exercise naturally reduces mental stress and boosts mood. By starting your day off with a workout routine, you are less likely to let things like traffic, running late, or some other outside stimuli get to you. Instead, it is easier to take them all in stride, and you’ll start your day off stress-free.

Put your workouts in your calendar

calendar for goals

Why is it that even if you know you should get up and work out, sometimes you just can’t? The solution to this dilemma is surprisingly simple – just put your workouts in your calendar and create a realistic plan. The solution to the problem of not being able to work out is to set aside time for workouts by adding them to your calendar.

Write it in and don’t go on vacation without scheduling workouts. What else should you do? Schedule your life around exercise so that you always have a 30-minute gap after work, before your evening meal, or before your favorite TV show.

Find an exercise you actually enjoy

A lot of people don’t enjoy exercising because they think it’s boring, or they find it difficult to maintain consistency. You can change that by finding an exercise that you actually enjoy. That way, you’ll be more motivated to do it on a regular basis.

Find an exercise you actually enjoy based on your passions. If you love dancing, look for classes that focus on that. If you are more of a nature lover, look for walks in the park. If you enjoy lifting weights join a gym and start slowly into a routine and maybe buy some new gym clothes to help you feel motivated.

Keep in mind if you actually like something, you’re going to be far more motivated to do it.

Take Before and After Photos for Motivation

before and after transformation

Sometimes we need a little motivation to make a change and before and after photos can be an excellent motivator. Take before and after photos for motivation to give yourself a sense of how much progress you are making. Another great way to motivate yourself is to look at photos of yourself from when you were fit and compare them with how you look now.

It’s great to maintain a positive attitude and not get discouraged. There will be times when you don’t lose weight as quickly as you would like, or things just won’t go right the first time around. Don’t let this discourage you; it will happen. Don’t quit! Just keep going.

Consider Working With A Personal Trainer

Hiring a trainer is the best way to get in shape. Working with a trainer is great because they can help create a routine that matches your goals and fitness level, as well as offer advice and motivation. Sometimes there’s just something about having a trainer in your life. It can make all the difference.

If you’re looking for a bit of guidance, you may want to consider hiring a certified personal trainer. They can create a workout plan that fits your fitness level and goals, and help keep you motivated. Building a fitness foundation in the gym will allow you to progress in workouts and better results.

Break your workout into smaller chunks

The key to a great workout is consistency. To maintain a consistent workout schedule, you should plan ahead and break your workout into smaller chunks. For example, if you have a 2-hour block each day for a whole week, do a 30-minute workout every other day. If you have a 4-hour block of time for a week, break it up into two 2-hour workouts on either side of your work day.

Be realistic. Your work schedule may not allow you to train every day, but it’s important to adhere to your exercise routine as much as possible.

Find a Reliable workout partner

workout partners

Depression can be an ongoing struggle, so one of the best ways to get yourself motivated to exercise is to invite a compassionate workout partner along. Depression is easier to deal with in the company of a friend who understands what you are going through and the positive reinforcement you receive will greatly improve your mental well-being. You don’t need to go through the motions alone when you are trying to improve your mental health. Rather, you can do it together.

Working out with a friend is great for staying on track with your fitness goals. The accountability will keep you on your toes and on your feet. Not only will you feel better, but your brain will release endorphins that act as natural painkillers to fight depression. Combined with some healthy social interactions, you’ll be able to tackle any challenges life throws your way.

Make your workouts fun and challenging

Working out is not always the most pleasant of experiences. It often leaves you feeling sore and exhausted, which can be discouraging if you’re not motivated to keep doing it. One way to make workouts more enjoyable is to make them challenging with a more intense routine.

By increasing the intensity of your workouts, you will work harder and feel better about yourself after. For example, try running for 15 minutes instead of 10, or do more reps of your ab routine. By making your workouts more intense, you will improve your endurance and avoid injury, while also benefiting from the natural high that working out provides.

Focus on simply getting yourself to your workout

Some people find the time to exercise every day, but others need to make it a priority. Make sure you are honest with yourself and create realistic expectations for yourself.

If you’re not sure where to start, try starting with one workout per week. If you’re determined to get in shape, focus on consistency. Don’t force yourself to go to the gym every day and don’t give up if you only work out once a week.

Don’t let lack of motivation be the downfall of your exercise regimen

If you are experiencing a lack of motivation to exercise, try these steps. First, have a list of all the reasons why you want to exercise. Next, tell yourself how good you’ll feel when your workout is complete. Finally, remind yourself that it is only temporary. Don’t let the end of your workout be put off by a lack of motivation. Create a list of the specific reasons why you want to exercise. For example:

– I want to feel healthier. – I want to look better. – I want to maintain an active lifestyle. – I want to be able to play with my kids or grandkids. – I want to be able to walk without becoming winded. – I want to exercise for the good of my heart. – I want to be able to go to the grocery store with less pain. – I want to wear my favorite clothes without feeling self-conscious.

It is very easy to get off track and lose motivation for your exercise routine. It’s important not to let this happen. Keep up with your routine and you will be happier, healthier, and more successful. Don’t let laziness get in the way of your workout!

Track your exercise progress for an extra boost of motivation

workout journal

Tracking your exercise progress is a great way to stay motivated, especially when working towards achieving a certain goal. Make sure to log all of your physical activity in an app or on a piece of paper. You should always set specific goals that are challenging but achievable.

You should also make sure to log your progress so you can see how far you’ve come. This will motivate you to work towards your goal and be able to achieve it. There are plenty of apps out there that can help you track your progress, one of which is FitBit.

Take note of how you feel after a workout

Some people tend to experience a “runner’s high” after an intense workout. This sensation is caused by the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers that flood the brain. As a result, many people say they experience a feeling of euphoria and heightened awareness after a workout.


This article concludes that exercise is a viable treatment for depression. It is not a cure-all and can’t replace other treatments such as medication or therapy, but it can help. For more wellness resources, explore our simple guided meditation routine.

If depression is keeping you from your potential, please visit https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/depression for information on mental health and to locate treatment services in your area.

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